4 ways to Donate Online Today!
Donate now through our website!
Donate now through Venmo!Venmo is an easy, low fee way for Luther Park to accept donations. To find us, type "@lutherparkdanburywi into your search bar. If we don't come up right away, you will have to click the bubble that says "charities" across the top, right under the search bar. Thank you for your donations!
Donate now through Paypal!Luther Park accepts donations through Pay Pal. Please click the link or the logo to the left. Thank you for your donations!
Donate now through Mighty Cause!Luther Park accepts online donations through Mighty Cause. Please click here or on the logo to be connected to our dedicated donation page. Thank you for your donations!
If you would like to mail in a check please send it to Luther Park 30376 Lakes Dr. Danbury, WI 54830