Campfire Stories
Keep the Fire Burning!
Help us tell the Luther Park campfire stories and raise funds for future generations!
For over 60 years, Luther Park has been a place where campers experience growth, community, and faith. Our Campfire Stories campaign is about celebrating the powerful stories shared around the campfire and ensuring future generations can enjoy the same life-changing experiences. Join us in keeping the fire burning bright!
Read some Campfire Stories below!
Get your Campfire Shirt today!
Meet Lizzy, camper and summer staff member
Lizzy and her siblings have been a part of the Luther Park community since they were born. And although they could have left when their mom got a different job, they chose to continue to be campers and now are summer staff members. Read why Luther Park is so important to them below! “Luther Park has always been a big part of my life. Growing up, I spent most of my summers with the other campers and staff members because my mom worked at camp. Even after my mom got a different job, my siblings and I would beg to go to camp. It was a place that we loved because we always felt welcomed, made new friends, and learned a lot. I have learned valuable lessons like how important it is to work as a team and how it makes the workload easier. I also learned the value of stepping outside my comfort zone, trusting others, and how my faith can guide my life through the challenges and hard times.” Meet Evelyn, camper
Evelyn has been attending Luther Park for four years, and without a doubt, she can say that Luther Park is her favorite part of every summer! The camp songs become a joyful soundtrack in her head all year round, making the wait for the next summer even harder. “Luther Park helps me grow in my faith so much and it helps me grow as a person. I have learned so much from my time at Luther Park about teamwork, treating others with kindness, and treating the world how it should be treated and so much more.” Meet Jamie, former camper and summer staff member
Jamie is a past camper, high school leader and cabin leader who has been impacted by camp! Read his campfire story below! “I have learned a lot of lessons being at Luther Park, both as a camper, high school leader and counselor. One lesson I will remember is to always make sure the friends around you are okay. As simple as it sounds, I know some people need people to check in with them and be given space to talk. Not everyone will just open up and talk about what they need to. Now, whenever I see someone that I care about having a tough time I try my best to comfort them and see if I can relate to them. I learned that listening is important in being there for others and helping comfort them.” |
Order this limited-time, campfire shirt and keep the campfire memories close to you! A portion of the proceeds from this shirt support Luther Park. You can pick from multiple colors and styles including a T-shirt, crewneck sweatshirt or long sleeve shirt.
Meet Greta, former summer staff member
Greta is a past summer staff member who found her time at camp to be one of great reflection, growth and fun! Read her campfire story below! “These [camp] experiences deepened my faith as I learned that there can be space for confusion, doubt, and questioning of biblical language and practices. When conversing with the campers, I was overwhelmed with joy as Bible studies and craft time became the highlight of both the campers and the counselors’ days. The wisdom and delight that the campers shared with the counselors is something I will cherish forever. While Luther Park surely looked and continues to look different from previous years, its message, comfort, and spirit continue to prevail.” Meet Deana, donor and support
Since the beginning of Luther Park’s history, Deana has been a big supporter and believes that camp plays an important role in the life and faith development of young people! Read Deana’s campfire story below. “Camp gives the chance [for youth] to get away from parents and listen to new people in a different environment,” Deana says, “it gives them the chance to hear reinforcements of what they are getting at home.” Deana has kept connected with Luther Park because she has seen the impact that camp has had on people. Deana shares that, “Camp is part of learning what God’s love is all about.” She hopes that camp can continue to be a long-lasting experience in peoples’ lives- not just a one and done experience. It’s the long-lasting relationships that make the lasting impact. |